Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Discovered Journey

A discovered journey
fills the pages of my
book unwritten with
adventures old and new.
For the road once
taken, now detours
to paths unexplored...

Sung by Jason Shepherd- Artist @

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Musing from the Heart

Write what your soul 
cannot speak
For the words unspoken
Awake in dream
Write from a place
Sacred and true
Write from your heart
For the heart is you...

Monday, January 1, 2018

The Feather

Once upon a cool
spring breeze
A feather flew with
grace and ease
Gliding along without care
The feather sailed
into warm summer air
Over oceans and
The feather drifted
without stop
Autumn brought
a gentle rain
Amid melancholy
winds of change
With wistful hope
of being found
The lonely feather
fell to the ground
Alas, landing where
the heart does lie
Gently admired
Let free to fly
The feather learned
a simple truth
One he lost somewhere in youth
For life's journey follows
the path within
Ever-changing it begins again....

Once upon a cold winter breeze - A feather flew with grace and ease