Today brings what tomorrow cannot
The present moment
Yesterday forgot
A morning moon
Amid the turquoise sky
Feelings of wonder
In a hushed lullaby
Find a quiet place to
Either sit or lie down
Making sure you are
For we begin a journey
Filled with color and light
Poetry and song
Stillness and time
As we travel the road
To self- awareness
Awakening the soul
Embracing all change within
And with each beautiful breath
Know the path home
Always leads back to you
In feelings anew
The sun greets the moon
With the promise of today
And all it will bring
When you are ready
Slowly inhale
Allowing yourself this
Precious moment
In the stillness of what is
And what will be
In marveling at the
To simply breathe
As you gently exhale
Feel yourself surrender
To the changing of the light
Knowing you too are changing
As you awaken to the day
See the colors in your mind
Remnants of steel gray
And lavender
Give way to the dawn’s
Magenta and gold
A painting in the sky
Amidst colors of old
With awe inspiring magic
They enlighten our soul
Embrace their beauty
As you once again
Inhale slow
Ever present
Into the sun’s
Warm shimmering rays
Now saffron and sienna
Let your heart guide
the way
A beacon in love
Rose coloured clouds
Enfolded with care
As you soar like a dragon
Adrift on air
Mid-day (Noon)
Bring yourself back
To the present moment
To the breath
And the beating of
your heart
Notice any sensations
You may be feeling
Acknowledge them
Reveling in the stillness
and awareness once more
Allow the mind
To continue onward
Into the ever changing light
Slow breath inhaled
Find hope
In sunbeams
Filtering through billowy clouds of blue
Exhale as you watch them dance with
Grace and ease
Casting shadows on leaves of green
Tiny raindrops begin to fall
Still present
You observe it all
A delicate sun shower
Illuminating a rainbow in flight
Be a rainbow in a world of blue… illuminate the sky in wondrous hues
Embers of amber
Ignite the sky
As sunset bids day goodbye
Again we pause
In self-awareness
Coming back always to the breath
To our being
To the quiet inside
For day is at end
And with it all worries and strides
Joys and sorrows
Intertwining into the moments
that were
Inhale deeply
Let them slip away
With the gentle bidding of day
Our path now leads to a white
sandy beach
Its touch cool beneath our feet
Beckoning us to lie upon it
We smell the saltwater
Hear the waves gently caress the shore
See the last rays of sun
Disappear beyond the horizon
As he awaits his lover
The moon
To kiss in sweet adieu
Stay for a moment- envisioning your world existing
In the twilight of dreams
Observing the dusky sky
Transform to beautiful ebony
In the blink of an eye
As sun whispers to the night
I’ll see you at twilight
Moonlight peeks behind the clouds
To see stars beauty shine
Night has fallen
Tiny crystalline diamonds
Fill a blackened sky
Moonlit clouds drift lazily by
Midnight has come and gone
Still you lie
Upon the white sandy beach
Feeling the rhythm of your heart
Rise and fall
You accept inner peace
Inhaling all
As you gaze upon the moon
And wish upon the stars
With each breath of your being
You become one with their light
The very light you’ve sought
Always guiding
Always present
For you had forgotten
You were once a star
And the colors of the sky
The tiny raindrops falling
The ocean tides
This awareness embodies your soul
For you are the ebb and flow
Ever evolving
And with each exhale
You let go…
“Rest easy, moon whispers
tomorrow comes in the dawn’s first light”
Night falls to day
Surrendering his all
As day embraces night
In beauty and awe
And you bring yourself back
Once final time
To follow the light
Be it day... or night
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