The Awakening of her soul
didn’t happen in the resounding
of fireworks illuminating the
ebony sea as so she had dreamed.
Instead it came in the watering
of a wildflower growing by the
Wilting in the heat of a hot
summer sun.
Often overlooked by the man
Told to let it be- for it will either
flourish or it will die…
But where they saw a weed,
she saw hope and beauty
And so she watered the hope
Growing by the roadside
Wilting in the heat of a hot
summer sun
And she watched it flourish
And she watched it bloom
And its blossoms became a tree
And the many passersby
Who had only seen a weed
Marveled at the beauty
Where once overlooked
Left to flourish …or to die
This is amazing! The story within the poem is beautiful and the whole this is's sheer poetry.