Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Wildflower

 The Awakening of her soul

didn’t happen in the resounding

of fireworks illuminating the 

ebony sea as so she had dreamed.

Instead it came in the watering 

of a wildflower growing by the  


Wilting in the heat of a hot 

summer sun.

Often overlooked by the man


Told to let it be- for it will either

 flourish or it will die…

But where they saw a weed, 

she saw hope and beauty


And so she watered the hope 

Growing by the roadside

Wilting in the heat of a hot 

summer sun

And she watched it flourish

And she watched it bloom

And its blossoms became a tree

And the many passersby

Who had only seen a weed

Marveled at the beauty 


Where once overlooked

Left to flourish …or to die 

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Girl Who Didn't 

by Paloma Gaskin

Is a beautiful melancholy introspective must read
of the author's inner child’s (girl’s) heart and soul
accompanied by her own lovely heartfelt art/illustrations.
The epilogue is pure Awesomeness and profound joy-
bringing an even deeper understanding of her poem.

Paloma's words brought tears, smiles and
the gentle reminder of a girl long forgotten,
yet whose memories vividly remain: and I
found myself wanting to hug the girl who didn't...
For her soulful reflections mirrored unspoken
emotions of times in which I didn’t and I felt a
kindred spirit to this girl ...who didn’t- only did in all
she overcame and still overcomes in this ever evolving
journey called life. -Lynn Long

Excerpt of words felt deep within the soul
First Breath
The girl who didn't
know she was enough,
from the moment
she took her first breath,
to when others were not
behaving their best with her,
was the one
who hurt herself. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Musings of the Light- From Day to Night (A Meditation of the Soul)

Today brings what tomorrow cannot

The present moment

Yesterday forgot


A morning moon

Amid the turquoise sky

Feelings of wonder

In a hushed lullaby

Find a quiet place to

Either sit or lie down

Making sure you are 


For we begin a journey


Filled with color and light

Poetry and song

Stillness and time

As we travel the road

To self- awareness

Awakening the soul

Embracing all change within

And with each beautiful breath


Know the path home

Always leads back to you

In feelings anew

The sun greets the moon

With the promise of today

And all it will bring


When you are ready 

Slowly inhale

Allowing yourself this 

Precious moment 

In the stillness of what is

And what will be 

In marveling at the 


To simply breathe

As you gently exhale

Feel yourself surrender

To the changing of the light

Knowing you too are changing

As you awaken to the day

See the colors in your mind

Remnants of steel gray

And lavender 

Give way to the dawn’s

Magenta and gold

A painting in the sky

Amidst colors of old

With awe inspiring magic

They enlighten our soul

Embrace their beauty 

As you once again

Inhale slow

Ever present

Into the sun’s

Warm shimmering rays

Now saffron and sienna 

Let your heart guide

the way

A beacon in love



Rose coloured clouds

Enfolded with care

As you soar like a dragon

Adrift on air

Mid-day (Noon)

Bring yourself back 

To the present moment

To the breath

And the beating of 

your heart

Notice any sensations

You may be feeling 

Acknowledge them

Reveling in the stillness

and awareness once more

Allow the mind 

To continue onward

Into the ever changing light

Slow breath inhaled

Find hope

In sunbeams

Filtering through billowy clouds of blue

Exhale as you watch them dance with

Grace and ease

Casting shadows on leaves of green

Tiny raindrops begin to fall

Still present 

You observe it all

A delicate sun shower

Illuminating a rainbow in flight

Be a rainbow in a world of blue…  illuminate the sky in wondrous hues


Embers of amber

Ignite the sky

As sunset bids day goodbye

Again we pause 

In self-awareness 

Coming back always to the breath

To our being 

To the quiet inside

For day is at end

And with it all worries and strides

Joys and sorrows

Intertwining into the moments 

that were

Inhale deeply

Let them slip away

With the gentle bidding of day

Our path now leads to a white 

sandy beach

Its touch cool beneath our feet

Beckoning us to lie upon it

We smell the saltwater

Hear the waves gently caress the shore

See the last rays of sun

Disappear beyond the horizon

As he awaits his lover

The moon 

To kiss in sweet adieu

Stay for a moment- envisioning your world existing

In the twilight of dreams

Observing the dusky sky 

Transform to beautiful ebony

In the blink of an eye

As sun whispers to the night

I’ll see you at twilight


Moonlight peeks behind the clouds

To see stars beauty shine

Night has fallen

Tiny crystalline diamonds 


Fill a blackened sky

Moonlit clouds drift lazily by

Midnight  has come and gone

Still you lie

Upon the white sandy beach

Feeling the rhythm of your heart

Rise and fall

You accept  inner peace

Inhaling all

As you gaze upon the moon

And wish upon the stars

With each breath of your being

You become one with their light

The very light you’ve sought 

Always guiding

Always present

For you had forgotten

You were once a star

And the colors of the sky

The tiny raindrops falling

The ocean tides

This awareness embodies your soul


For you are the ebb and flow

Ever evolving

And with each exhale

You let go…

“Rest easy, moon whispers

tomorrow comes in the dawn’s first light”

Night falls to day

Surrendering his all

As day embraces night

In beauty and awe

And you bring yourself back 

Once final time

To follow the light

Be it day... or night

The Alternate Dream

Sky aglow in wonder

Celestial infinity

Forever… a mere moment

​Basking in fragility

Wandering, but not lost

Seeking, but still not found

Reaching for a distant star

Eternally bound

Luminous is the shining light

Not unlike my own

Gleaming in the distance

A place… called home

Wandering, but not lost

Seeking, but still not found

I ponder the alternate dream

Adrift amid its sound

The music a hushed lullaby

One with my heart

Entwining the soul-

To a timeless love…

Parallel worlds apart

Wandering, but not lost

Seeking, but still not found

Illuminating is the distant star

Eternally bound


Friday, June 24, 2022

 Poetry in Motion 

Glimpse is a poem that I wrote early on when I began writing.
The poem holds special meaning for me, as it was the first time I let myself feel completely free artistically in expressing my soul.
Ronald's gorgeous video of the horses running free is a lovely metaphor to the lyrics. And Kailani's (kuusound) beautiful vocals and soothing instrumentals touch the soul.
I so very much enjoyed collaborating with both of them and look forward to doing so again. Truly honored to be a part of this collaboration, thank you for making it a possibility.
I thought I saw your soul
gazing into mine
And for just the
briefest moment
I was somewhere
else in time
A place I'd forgotten
where memories
still remain
A place of long ago
where once
I spoke your name
Soaring high
above the sky
my heart skips
a beat, in the
feelings long
long denied
now suddenly,
let free...
I thought I saw your soul
gazing into mine
Alas, just a glimpse-
a memory lost in time

I have walked this road before
Searched in vain upon distant
Have kissed your lips a thousand times
Have held your hand- as you held mine
For you, are more than just
a feeling
You are memory
More than dream
you are to me
You are the love
I so longingly seek

Lynn Long